We Are Still Missing

          We all Bhutanese in Washington are shocked since June 11 because of the mysterious disappearance of our three Bhutanese youths (Krishna L Dhital (21), Dilli Ram Bhattarai (28) and Krishna Dhakal (17)). Days are passing out but yet there is no single information about their situation after their disappearance.  No one knows where they are and how they are.
           With the effort from community, friends, and families, information and concern about their disappearance have been reported to more than dozens of publication and broad cast media. Media have been cooperatively working with Bhutanese community about this issue. As per seattlepi.com Spokane Police spokeswoman Jennifer DeRuwe says missing persons report has been filed and investigators are looking into the case. But no significant leads have surfaced. In addition, Spokane Police also seeks the community's help to find out these missing boys. 
Below you can watch full coverage from “NWCN”.
          This is the time we all Bhutanese need to join hand on hand to support families of these missing friends emotionally and spiritually to keep their hope alive and strong. These types of problems can occur to any one at any time. So, we all Bhutanese need to be more aware and careful about our self and our children. Let us make our community aware to minimize this type of incident in the future. Let us all hope they will return home sooner and safer. 
     “NWCN” Channel                                                                                                     

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